Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day One

I finished my outline and character questions last night, so today is day one of my nove writing journey.

As of now, I've been writing for an hour. My total word count is 622. Usually beginnings are harder for me, but it'll speed up a litte bit when I get into the story more. My fellow writers probably understand this.

P.S. I'm not even halfway down with the first chapter, either

Monday, January 4, 2010


Okay, that title was really cheesy. But, it basically describes this post. I'm going to try really hard not to bore you, so stay with me.

At midnight on New Years Eve I made a promise to myself that I would write a novel and that I will finish it by next year or hopefully before that. Remember, I'm 13, I have school to deal with, too. But I'll try to be typing as much as possible over the next months or so. Right now, I'm outlining my novel. But the Internet is distracting me! Ugh!

Well, anyways, lets get back to business. My novel's title is Walking Behind Enemy Lines as of right now. I'm guessing you can get a clue about what it's about from the title, right? I'm not that good at titles, but I can save that until AFTER I finish the first draft....

I will be posting my progress on the novel, and if I can find one of those word count gauges online or on the NaNoWriMo site, I'll put one up here. Along the way, I'll post small excerpts of my novel maybe once a week.

Let the writing begin....*eep*